Standard Test Method (ASTM D5) for Penetration of Bituminous Materials lab report

EXPERIMENT NAME: Standard Test Method (ASTM D5) for Penetration of Bituminous Materials.

Purpose of the Test
Consistency of a bituminous material expressed as the distance in tenths of a millimeter that a standard needle vertically penetrates a sample of the material under known conditions of loading, time, and temperature.
1.       The penetration test is using as a measure of the consistency. Greater values of penetration determine softer steady.
2.      The test is widely used all over the world for classifying bituminous materials into different grades.
3.      Rely on upon the weather condition and types of construction, bitumen of various penetration grade are using. Generally using grade are 30/40, 60/70 and 80/100.
4.      In warmer regions, lower penetration grades are preferred and in colder regions bitumen with higher penetration values are used.
5.      The test is not intended to estimate steady of softer materials like cut back which are usually graded by vise intentional ossify test.

Bitumen is usually characterized in the following three types of grades;
1.      Viscosity grades
2.      Penetration grades
3. Density grades

·         Penetration test Apparatus
·         Penetration Needle

·         Sample Container — A metal or glass cylindrical, flat-bottom container of the following dimensions shall be used.

·         Water Bath — A bath having a capacity of at least 10 Liter and capable of maintaining a temperature of 25 ± 0.1 °C or other temperature of test within 0.1 °C.
·         Timing Device hand operated penetrometers any convenient Stop watch required.
·         Thermometers  temperature 0° to 50°C with subdivisions maximum scale error 0.1°  ,

Heat the sample wcarefully, stirring when it possible to withstand local over heating, until it has become enough fluid to effuse. In no other case should be the temperature be increased to more than 90 °C up expected soft point for petroleum asphalt. Do not heat specimen for more than thirty minutes. Avoid incorporating bubble into the specimen.
Effuse  the specimen  into the specimen  jar  to the depth such that, when cooling to the temperature of test, the depth of the specimen  is at least 10 mm higher than the depth to which the needles  expected to penetrate. Effuse 2 separate portions for each difference  in test situation .
Loosely cover each container as a protection against dust (covering with a lipped beaker) and allow cooling in air at a temperature between 15° and 30 °C for 1 to 1.5 hours for the small container and 1.5 to 2 hours for the taller.
Where the situation of this  test are not specific mentioned, to the temperature, load, and time are understand to be 25 °C, 100 gm, and five seconds, respectively. Other situation are may be using for special test, such as the following:

in such cases the specific situation of test will be reported.
Report to the closely  full unit the average of 3 penetration whose values didn`t various more than the following table :

Ø  Examine the needle holder and guide to establish the absence of water and other extraneous materials. Clean a penetration needle with toluene or other suitable solvent, dry with a clean cloth, and insert the needle into the penetrometer. if not, otherwise specific place to  the fifty(50) gm weight above the needle, making the total weight 100 ± 0.1 gm. Place the sample jar  in the transfer dish, cover the container fully with water  the constant temperature bath and the place in to transfer dish on the stand to the penetrometer.

Ø Position the needle by slowly lowering it until its tip just makes contact with the surface of the sample. This is accomplished by the taking of actual needle tip into the contact with its image reflected on the surface of the specimen from  properly placed source of the light. Either annotation the reading of the penetrometer dial the pointer to 0(zero). Quickly leave the needle holder for the specific period of the  time and adjust apparatus to measure the distance penetrated in tenths of a millimeter. If the vas is moving, omit the result.

Ø  Make at least three determinations at points on the surface of the sample not less than 10 mm from the side of the container and not less than 10 mm apart. If the transfer dish is used, return the sample and transfer dish to the constant temperature bath between determinations. Use a clean needle for each determination. If the penetration is greater than 200, using at least 3 needle for leaving them into specimen until the3 determination completed.

If the differences are exceeded repeat the test using second sample.
If the appropriate tolerance is again exceeded ignore all result and repeat the test completely.


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